An Apparent Contradiction; or Not?
Have you ever wondered why the Apostle Paul, a rabbi, one taught by Gamaliel, would say the Law he was brought up in was done away with? If we know Paul was a practicing Jew, and if we know Paul called himself, "a hebrew of hebrews, a pharisee of pharisees" then we know Paul kept God's law in its entirety. In fact, Paul celebrated the feasts 30 years after Christ died. Paul himself said in Romans 3:31, "do we then nullify the law by our faith, no, rather we uphold the law?"
Then in Romans 7:12 Paul says, "So then, the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good." Is there an apparent contradiction in scripture pertaining to the law? Absolutely not. When reading Paul, we need to ask the question, "What law is Paul talking about?" Is he talking about the law of God? or is he talking about the law of sin and death? Jesus said in Matthew 5:17, "I have come not to destroy the law and the prophets, but to fulfill them." If you want an interesting word study, look at the word fulfill. Find all the times it was used in the New Testament. There is more scripture to support that Christ did not do away with the Law He himself gave at Mount Sinai, He did away with the law of sin and death so that we would have life through Him who is the Living Torah (Law of God; teaching and instruction). It was because of the law, Paul says, man died. We sinned because we had not the power to keep the law. Praise be to God, through Christ, we have the power by the Spirit of Holiness to keep Torah in all its fullness.
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