Friday, August 11, 2006

Food for Thought

Was the New Testament really written in Greek? Have a look at this website claiming evidence of an Aramaic New Testament.


At 8:20 PM, Blogger Peter Thurley said...

Like I told you before, if you look at this guy's qualifications, a bachelors in pharmacy does not qualify one to write a book on ancient semitic languages. I would be much more apt to trust the scholarship of the men at the Deas Sea Scolls Insitute or other bible scholars at Trinity Western University than someone whose formal education is in the pharmaceutical buisiness. Not that the guy doesn't have anything interesting to say, but I would just be careful.

Just imagine me, with a B.A. in Philosphy, trying to tell you that Einstein's Theory of Relativity is wrong and that we ought to go back to Aristotelian or Newtonian Physics? ummm... no...


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